KAMRUNAG FAIR Held every year in the month of June. Local people participate in large number showing the glimpse of local culture in its most colorful form. People throw gold and silver coins in the lake in reverence to God Shiva. This festival is held on SAJA of AASHADH Month as per local hindu calander every year. Hundereds of people prefer to treak from Shikari Devi valley to Kamrunag valley and this is a awesome treacking route. Before one day there is a huge crowd at Shikari mata temple and they start their journey early morning to view the Kamrunag Fair. A lot of peoples also start their journey for Kamrunag fair from Rohanda and Jach valley. Local peoples also bring FODD for this fair. Previously there was tradition for CUTING down hundereds of BAKRAS (ships & goats) but as per recent orders and govt rules this has been stoped.
A lot of salesmans and VAYAPARIS from different regions of India and Himachal take participate in this festival every year.